This week's current event was internet skills, and our students should learn everything they need not only to succeed the classroom but, beyond in to the workforce. For the 21st century learners, internet skills is an attribute we expected they have knowledge of, just because of the generation they have been born into. They are a victim of their technology generation but, the basic skills are too many times overlooked. After our forum discussions, the top 3 internet skills we decided on that would be both fundamental and beneficial to students. They will use these skills to excel in their current academic journey as well as prepare them for their futures, "real world". Here are the top 3 we came up with.
1) Internet Terminology: This may be a basic skill to open with for the learners of this generation but, although they are well inept to figure out computer baswed challenges, knowing the proper terminology could open up a whole new world for them to absorb knowledge. Terminology like web browser, URL, address bar, hyperlink and home page are used in the daily use of anyone that a computer is your vehicle to complete a task. you do not want to be greeted with puzzled expressions and a bunch of hands up in the air. Teaching terminology explicitly is a great way to make certain that your students can easily follow instructions. It is a basic knowledge, but it is something every Internet Expert needs
2) Search Engines: Knowing how to use search engines is an essential skill for doing research. There are many search engines to choose from but, the popular ones seem to be Google, Yahoo, and Bing. getting to know these search engines, will just aid students in narrowing down resources specific to their topic. So instead of students spending hours with their heads in books, or browsing through various web pages, the search engine could be a very resourceful tool.
3) Internet Safety: Another key but overlooked skill is internet safety. It is of the utmost importance That you practice personal internet safety while surfing the world wide web. Although you may be safe at home sitting in front of your computer, the dangers are real as you surf the net. Their are many cyber predators that prey on young as well as inexperience users of the internet. It's the same as parents teaching their kids not to talk to stranger ont he street, the same rules should apply while engaged on the internet. Do not connect with any unauthorized stranger that may attempt to message or chat with you while you are on a site or online program and never gie any peronal information that the stalker amy use to their advantage. Another sub point in internet safety is the safety of others too. Using your comuter to bully or intimidate another is not proper netiquette. Nequitte by definition is the rules of etiquette that apply when communicting over computer networks.
These are three of the fundamental skills that all students should learn as their internet skills.
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